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5 Small Changes That Banish Belly Fat

If your belly fat bothers you for aesthetic reasons, wait until you hear this: your muffin top might be detrimental to your health, too. Doctors say that stubborn section of fat carries a strong risk factor for heart disease, type

These Are The Most Effective Ab Exercises, According To Science

Not all ab exercises are created equal, and why do 30 reps of one move when 15 of another could suffice? Our thoughts exactly. Well there is actual scientific evidence on the best ways to sculpt your stomach, and if

How To Get Better Abs While Lying Down

Want better abs? Duh. Want to achieve these better abs while laying down? Double duh. Well you can. And while you won’t say this is an effortless workout (since effortless workouts don’t produce results), you still get to do this

A 5-Minute Ab Workout You Can Do Anywhere

Do you think you could spare 5 minutes today? Good, that means you have no excuse not to work out your abs, because Jacqueline Kasen, body architect at Anatomy at 1220 in Miami, has a 5-minute ab work that’s so