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32 Celebs You Should Follow On Snapchat

32 Celebs You Should Follow On Snapchat
We’re always providing you with celebs and influencers to follow on our beloved Instagram, but we recently realized we’ve left out another super important social media tool: Snapchat! GASP! To make up for that, follow the link below for 32

20 Beauty Accounts to Follow on Snapchat

You know we always have your back when it comes to the hottest social media accounts to follow. And while you know our obsession with following beauty bloggers on Instagram runs deep, plenty of beauty insiders also use Snapchat to

This Famous Instagram Model Is Quitting Social Media, Here’s Why

If you’re both a fashion and social media lover, chances are you’re one of the half a million followers of Essena O’Neill, er, you were, rather. The successful model announced yesterday she’s quitting social media, with a super powerful message