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Let’s go PINK for October!

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month (NBCAM) an annual campaign that creates awareness for a disease that effects millions of women each year.

With the collaboration of national public service organizations, medical associations and government agencies their is an effort to promote breast cancer awareness & share information on the disease to provide greater access to services across the U.S.

When we think of one of the strongest supporters of cancer prevention, Fran Drescher and her movement to “Trash Cancer” through Cancer Schmancer is close to our hearts. Not only is breast cancer  one of the leading health crises for women in the United States but an astounding 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The worst part- there is currently no known cure for breast cancer and its early diagnosis is critical to survival. However with Cancer Schmancer, Fran Drescher and her supporters rally to catch cancer EARLY.

Cancer Schmancer’s Mission: “By shifting this nation’s focus from just searching for a cure to education, prevention and early detection, we can save lives TODAY.  By empowering ourselves and the women we love to become medical consumers; to listen to our bodies, ask the right questions of our doctors and seek second opinions, we can prevent cancer and, if we still end up with it, detect cancer in its earliest stages.  At Cancer Schmancer, we aren’t reinventing the wheel.  We are shedding light on a method that works to end mortality due to late stage diagnosis.” Visit:

Fran Drescher is a hero to Health Beauty Life and our team. Her story and how her personal experience with uterine cancer became part of her inspiring story “Light’s, Camera, Activist” to read more about the Nanny and Happily Divorced star, click here.

At Health Beauty Life we support research for the cure and we hope you will join us this October to support breast cancer research across the nation.

With love,

Health Beauty Life


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