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Eating Healthy at Lunchtime Can Boost Your Health

Eating Healthy at Lunchtime is Important.

A great deal of us spend a large amount of our lives at work. Because of this, work has a significant impact on our health. However when it comes to our diet we do have an influence. Therefore, taking a closer look at preserving  your own health can be very useful.

Many blame having a bad diet due to their job but ultimately the decisions on what you eat lie with the foods you choose. Different jobs will have varied duties and lunch time restrictions but by law you are allowed specific lunch times. With this, utilize the amount of time you have to eat to make a meal that will boost your energy and keep you healthier.

Plan Ahead:

Preparation has many benefits including saving money and trimming your waist line. If you prepare your meals you will automatically get healthier as buying your lunch can add up and more often than not, equate to grabbing something off the “Dollar Menu”.

Begin your week with a trip to the Grocery Store:

Take a look at our Superfoods for the Season article. We offer great options for fresh vegetables, fruits and grains. Along with our grocery list, add protein like turkey or tuna and a healthy starch like whole grain bread or a tortilla wrap. If you are super busy at work and have little time to even eat your sandwhich, buy small snacks that you can munch on throughout the day. If you are gluten free or vegan, try a salad mixed with fresh veggies or fruits like apples and strawberries. For a drink, ween off the coffee by venturing into tea like Kambucha tea or Green tea, also water with a slice of lemon is refreshing and packs a punch!

 Pack the night before

If you prepare meals and snacks the night before you know what you are going to eat and won’t be tempted by unhealthy alternatives. Using your own ingredients will save you money and you will know exactly what you are eating. As we mentioned there are great healthy options such as salad, sandwiches, pasta, rice dishes and baked potatoes. A good idea is making double for your dinner the night before so that you have a great meal ready to microwave for lunch.

Ditch the Vending Machine

Oh, the good ol’ vending machine, it’s a life saver when early mornings and late night deadlines leave you at the office. Therefore, pack snacks to eat throughout your workday. If your office has a kitchen, place these snacks in the fridge to keep throughout the week. One of the best snacks is fruit. It gives you energy, curbs your hunger and gives you health benefits. There are plenty of alternatives though such as popcorn, cheese strings, cereal bars, nuts and cottage cheese. If you have one of these waiting for you when you get peckish in-between meals you’ll never be tempted to go to the vending machine for something unhealthy.

 Drinks Count too!

A healthy diet doesn’t just involve food, your drink choices will have a big impact on your health. You should stay away from fizzy, sugary drinks as these can really contribute to weigh gain. Each can of soda can easily be 150 calories and some people drink several a day. There is also the damage you are doing to your teeth choosing these drinks. Try and drink from your water dispenser as much as possible and take less sugar in your tea and coffee to drink as healthily as possible, even if it says sugar-free! This can be equally as unhealthy.

Having a good diet isn’t just about keeping your weight down, there are many health benefits too. Eating well will improve your immune system and help fight off illness. You will also feel better and have more energy giving you more motivation, making you more productive at work. Baring this in mind, many large companies provide their staff with healthy food such as fruit for free. They reap the benefits as they have a fitter, healthier, happier, more productive workforce that is absent less often.


Chris Evans is from Atrium Legal. Atrium are experts in Industrial Disease, helping workers who’s health has been adversely affected by their job.  We assist in many ways including claiming compensation, providing medicals, legal and health advice.


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One Response to “Eating Healthy at Lunchtime Can Boost Your Health”
  1. Prasad says:

    Very good article and before going to take breakfast or dinner or lunch do the meditation for few minutes OR do the one yoga Asanam i.e “VAZRASANAM “.it is help for better digestion and it will imcrese the hungry.

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