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Coping after a Break-Up

Not over your Ex?

The pain can be excruciating. But think positive! What you’re going through right now is happening to millions of people around the world. You aren’t alone in this. In fact, breaking up with somebody and moving on is just part of life. We’re biologically wired to go through emotional hardship and moving on can lead to a new chapter in your life. Through thousands of years of evolution, billions of people have been breaking up, moving on, and finding new love. Right now, it’s unfair, but there are ways you can help yourself through this tough time.

Positive Ways to Move Forward

Whether you’re a guy or a girl, these tips are completely universal. Take each day in strides and dampen the emotional pain you are experiencing.

1.)  Don’t contact your ex.

As much as you miss this person, you must refrain from trying to communicate with him or her. It will not help you move on. Try your best to block him or her out of your life right now. This will proactively help you clear your mind and focus on you.

2.) Go have some fun with your friends!

Nothing helps me take my mind off things better than just spending time with some good friends.Engage in some fun activities together and maybe try and meet new people!

3.) Go on a date or on-line dating site. 

The last thing you probably want to do is go on a date with some other person right now. However, dating other people is one of the best ways to get over a very difficult breakup. Dating helps you meet new people, increase your confidence, and… who knows? Maybe you’ll meet your next love sooner than you think!

4.) Exercise, exercise, exercise!

Exercise is one of the best ways to decrease your post-breakup anxiety, so go out there and be active! There are obvious health benefits to this, but did you know that exercising helps increase your dopamine and serotonin levels? It’s true! The more you exercise, the happier you’ll be!

5.) Be productive.

The worst thing you can do right is be alone, by yourself… you need to get out  and find something productive. Is there something at work you could be doing to get ahead? School? There is no better time than right now to pull ahead.

Start your recovery today, whether you want to move on or get your ex back, moving forward is the best way to move on!


Destiny Williams is an assistant relationship counselor. If you want more information please visit her website  here

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